Shear Angles
Shear Angles can be applied to all punch points. These angles are used primarily to reduce slug pulling. Single and Double Shears can be used to reduce the punching force as well as minimize slug pulling. These alterations are prepriced and do not add to the standard delivery of the product.
Shear Angles are also available on Classified Shapes, but are available as special order only.
For Round Punches Only
- XS19 Nail Point
- XS20 Chamfer
For Round and Shape Punches
- XS21 Conical
- XS22 Double Shear
- XS23 Single Shear
- XS24 Single Shear Angle with Flat
Specifications for these shear angles can be found in the individual product catalogs.
Standard head flat and dowel locations are at 0°. For ball lock punches the standard ball seat location is at 90°.
Simply add the alteration code, and the angle desired, to your punch catalog number. Tolerance on all angles is plus or minus 15 minutes.